Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pennsylvania Car Accident Car Accident: If You Are Envolved In A Car Collision If Your Fault?

Car accident: if you are envolved in a car collision if your fault? - pennsylvania car accident

If you are involved in a car accident is your fault if your insurance company to pay the amount of damage to the property in Pennsylvania have?


lucy said...

If you are guilty, pay the insurance, what is owed.

Loss of 500, paid 500, no more and no less.

Call your insurance and claims report. they will manage.

Good luck

Scott H said...

If you are guilty, your insurance, the actual cost of damage to another vehicle, pay and injured the other driver / passengers up to the limits of coverage. If the damage and medical expenses exceed the limit of its coverage, it is probably by another driver or his insurance for the amount to be pursued beyond the limits of the coverage.

Howe W said...

What Lucy
If eligible, your insurer is legally obligated to pay damages, which had been assessed.

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