Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unusual Wedding Cakes What's The Most Creative Thing You Can Think Of To Cut The Wedding Cake?

What's the most creative thing you can think of to cut the wedding cake? - unusual wedding cakes

I'm trying to think of something other than the traditional silver knife. We are both in the renovation of houses (from what I thought of things like a Roto-Zip saw or drywall - haha) and we're both too old for car nuts. (classic cars, you have between 8)

Can you imagine something unusual, that the cake can be cut to think, has to do with cars, antiques or home improvements?
Thank you!


Brutally Honest said...

The first thing that comes to mind was a chainsaw, but I saw how terribly wrong!

How about a riddle? Mobile, of course!

Able for a car, a plate, I suppose. Or a mirror.

But to be honest, all these things just seem to be off-the-wall, even for me!

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Brutally Honest said...

The first thing that comes to mind was a chainsaw, but I saw how terribly wrong!

How about a riddle? Mobile, of course!

Able for a car, a plate, I suppose. Or a mirror.

But to be honest, all these things just seem to be off-the-wall, even for me!

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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